Orange County Science Fiction Club
Orange County Science Fiction Club Orange County Science Fiction Club


Marie Callender's Restaurant at 307 East Katella Avenue in Orange.

6:00 p.m. Dinner
7:00 p.m. Reader's Orbit (2nd Wednesday monthly)
7:00 p.m. OCSFC Monthly Meeting (last Wednesday monthly)

Come to the Orange County Science Fiction Club at 7:00 p.m. the last Wednesday of each month (excluding December). We have interesting special guests and discuss the latest happenings in Science Fiction, books, films, TV shows, conventions, art, music, space travel, alien encounters, collecting, and fan events.

Our meetings are initially open to the public at no charge, although donations to help cover the costs are appreciated. Recurring visitors are requested to contribute $2 per meeting, or join us as a full member for $20 per year (prorated).

We have an active Reader's Orbit book review group which meets regularly at 7:00 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month. A writer's group also exists, which contains some very experienced readers, critics, and writers. A number of our members are published and one is the publisher of NOVA SF, a professional series of anthologies (i.e. the authors are paid).

Another of our sub-groups regularly attends SF&F films together, often with discount tickets.

Explore our site and for more information email
or call Greg at (949) 552-4925.

You can also join our mail list and ask questions of our on-line members.
OCSF Mail List

Visit a meeting soon!

Back to the Caves © by Slawek Wojtowicz

© by Slawek Wojtowicz